We encourage our students, staff and wider school community to make use of the opportunities our school chaplain. Chaplaincy service benefits our school community by helping students and families to cope through difficult times, to equipping students with life long skills that will help them face any challenges ahead. Chaplaincy at Biggenden State School will continue to provide a vital service that has a positive influence on the students and families in this community. Please return the Chaplaincy Form for your children to access this service.
Our chaplaincy service is funded by NSCSWP.
Guidance officer
Education Queensland's vision for a creative and clever Queensland built on a quality education system is supported through the provision of a comprehensive guidance and counselling service provided directly to students and their families in all primary, secondary and special schools and other departmental facilities across the state. This includes early childhood development programs for young children with disabilities and their families with some specific services available to parents of pre-prep aged children with disabilities.
Guidance and counselling services focus on assisting students achieve to their potential in the most appropriate educational setting. Guidance officers identify factors that can be barriers to learning and development, and plan or assist in planning support programs that can help students achieve positive outcomes. Guidance officers may work directly with the student or with the student's teachers, support personnel, family, other specialists, or professionals from other agencies depending on the issues to be resolved and the age of the student. A range of issues may be supported by guidance officers including personal and social development, diverse learning styles and needs, and educational and career pathways.
To access the Guidance officer, please contact us.
Learning support
Our school learning support teachers operate a varied program within the school to assist children through the full spectrum of learning needs from dysfunction to giftedness.
Depending on circumstances, a child's program may be of either short or long term duration. Various service providers, other than learning support teachers, may be involved in programs. Service providers might include peers, parents/guardians, trained teacher and voluntary assistants, tutors, class teachers or community mentors. Our programs stress early intervention and commence after identification.